Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Go Grammieknits! 300 posts!

Wow, Jane is having a contest to celebrate her 300th post! (Thanks to Noricum for the heads up.) And all she wants me to do to enter her contest is to tell her one weird thing about me. Only one? My nearest and dearest are just falling over laughing now, I'm sure.

Or perhaps not, because after all, YOU may think you are weird, but you're MY kind of weird. And if there's enough of us, then we're normal, right?

So what did I tell her? Go see for yourself!

1 comment:

Nancy @ the Jersey Shore said...

Hi Kath,
I saw your comment on Jane's, about your cat. This is funny to me because my friend's cat Dusty does the exact same thing....she calls it 'nippy suck' LOL. It is odd to watch. They live in the Keys, and my friend's name is Kathy too.