Monday, November 17, 2008

I am NOT fat!

First of all - that is a horrid, misleading picture. Just taking the photograph is bad enough, but posting it on the internet? Truly unthinkable! Who do you think you are - one those nasty paparazzi that sneak up and grab the most unflattering shot possible and sell it to the highest bidder? I have already been in touch with both PETA and IDA, their legal representatives will be contacting you shortly.

Second - I do not know what that woman was thinking, greeting me with the words, "Hi there fat kitty!" Besides the obvious pot calling kettle black issue, that was most rude and unmannerly, clearly she is completely wack-a-doodle. This only serves to reinforce my belief that strangers cannot be trusted and should not be allowed on the property. I expect your cooperation in this matter.

I am not amused. There will be consequences.


Lisa said...

Poor kitty! How would you like it if somebody waited until you were bent way way over and then took a photo of YOUR posterior? Hmmm, I think somebody better be pricing fresh tuna....

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha! I'm not letting my cat see this post. Before you know it, fat cats will unite and we'll be doomed!

Harbor Hon said...

So funny! I almost shot diet coke through my nose! What a cutey pie. And don't we all carry a little extra weight now and then. Shows someone cares that we eat well. xxoo

Mia said...

fluffy, not fat :)

Sheepish Annie said...

I know from fat kitties these days. The Absurdly Gi-normous Kitty has reached epic proportions. And continues to expand...

I think that is a very cute kitty who is quite nicely shaped. Just the right size for kitty squishes!!!

D said...

Tee Hee . . . having known this little kitty in "leaner days" she looks properly filled out and very content with her mature stature. She looks perfectly proportioned just the way she is. . . As any spoiled kitty should.