Yesterday I took (and of course passed) my last exam for my degree. Yes, I said MY LAST EXAM. Which means I am now, for all practical intents and purposes, done. All that's left now is to wait for those last few credits to be added to my transcript, file my graduation intent form, the school does a final review, I pay a small fee, and in a couple months - I have a Bachelors of Science in Psychology.
It was rather anticlimactic. I walked out of testing center and by all rights the heavens should open up, a chorus of angels should descend and serenade me with Hallelujah! Hallellelujah! Hallelujah! Instead, there was just a skinny, long-haired brunette woman standing on a street corner in Santa Ana, California clutching a piece of paper with a dazed look on her face.
I am still feeling slightly spacey. I mean, I have all these rather tired brain cells that are suddenly finding themselves free to play and they just aren't quite sure what to do next. They may need take a few days off to recuperate, mindless chores like shampooing carpets and scrubbing floors actually sound kind of attractive now. But after that? Hmmmm.......