Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Somehow, last week it was autumn and we were breaking out the knitted scarves, airing out the sweaters that were in storage, and generally enjoying a little extra coolness in the air. And now this week it's HELLO I AM WINTER AND I WILL FREEZE YOU SOLID!

Of course I defy winter's efforts to solidify me into a human-shaped icicle because I am in constant motion. I shiver. Non-stop. All day. Possibly also in my sleep. I'm not sure about that but it could explain why I wake up still so tired - I've been busy shivering all night long. It'd be awfully nice if all this perpetual motion could somehow be harnessed into an energy source and applied to my utility rates or even considered a good cardio workout and contribute to improving my overall fitness but I suspect it's more likely to result in higher electric bills and/or pulled muscles.

I know, I know - there are many who live in much colder climates than I and they get through their winters just fine. Maybe I'm just a big whiner but I think it's all relative. I also think those people have heat, and insulation in the walls of their homes. Ooooo...and I bet they drive around in real cars with doors? (Golf carts?  Cute and practical for all but a few months each year. These months.)

I'm cold at work too because I spend the time standing behind a cash register a few feet from wide open doors facing the beachfront and those errr....."brisk ocean breezes". The other day someone wandered in and enquired if we had heat in the store? Ummm...do you not see me here bundled up in multiple layers of wool knitwear and fleece, and still, shivering?

I'm going to end this little rant now because as I sit here keying in these words my hands are getting colder and colder. I think the remedy for my icy fingers is the warm, furry belly of a certain feline currently close proximity - I'm just not sure how she's going to feel about that!

Heeeeerre kitty kitty.....


Lisa said...

Pooooor kitty!

I am curious what temperature means "cold" to you. Up here in Seattle, it was 22F this morning and is currently a toasty (ahem) 28F. Hurts to take a deep breath outside!

Harbor Hon said...

Oooo! Watch out for static electricity and kitty belly. I don't think they like that. You're much tougher than me though. I often wonder how the clerks in stores keep warm shen someone is constantly opening the door. My floor turns to a sheet of ice when they hang the door open downstairs. No insulation. Try and stay warm, my friend. xxoo

Mia said...

oh wow.. I know it must be hard, but I'd give everything and bundle up as much as I need to just to be able to see that ocean and have those ocean breezes ::laughing::

why is it we always want what we can't have ?? :)

Pat said...

Stay warm- I think it's always colder near the water. When I was in grad school inside my parents apartment on San Francisco bay always seemed colder than outside my apartment in Illinois.

Anonymous said...

FREEZE.YOU.SOLID is exactly how December feels so far. I have never worn my hand knit socks so many days in a row. :)

It would be amazing if you could harness the power of the shiver. Maybe we could charge our phones or ipods or something? Hmmmm, oh Apple, we have your next invention all thought out for you!

Logan said...

What means insulation?

Sheepish Annie said...

I am not a fan of being cold. Hence, I do not think you are whining at all, even if it is much colder here by comparison. Cold is cold!!!