Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Got my #2 pencil!

I'm headed over to the mainland today for a statistics exam. Prayer would not be inappropriate, and of course, to the deity of your preference. (And before you ask - yes, this time I did remember my calculator, thankyouverymuch.) This is my next to last exam in that course and I am so ready to be done with it.

If you haven't heard of the webcomic xkcd, it's worth checking out. Here's a recent selection - and the timing just so oddly appropriate for me!


Lisa said...

You have a 94.395 chance of passing your exam without excessive application of prayer. Good luck!

Sheepish Annie said...

I've run a few of the ScanTron machines in my day. Would you believe that you can even use a pen? They don't tell you that. But it will work. :)

Hope the exam went well!

Harbor Hon said...

Hope you aced it! Did I mention how much I like your mini-me with the knitted hat? xxoo

Mia said...

oops, a day late to cross my fingers...

Logan said...

SNORT. I love xkcd, but recently they've been getting kind of annoying. (That one was really funny, though.)

Good luck on that test!