Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hauling out the big guns

First of all - thanks for all the well wishes and support! I'm still struggling with this heinous head cold and while I get a few clear, lucid moments each day - this ain't one of them.  My nefarious plan, (using a basket of kittens to distract you from a lack of any actual content in the post), worked so well I'm tempted to try again.  But this time I think I better get serious and haul out the big guns.

So I give you -- puppies!


Anonymous said...

Puppies, excellent switch up! Well played. ;)

Anonymous said...

Haha, I'm up to the same tricks on my blog too this week. :)

Harbor Hon said...

OMG! Cute, cute, cute! I especially loved the one that fell off the bed trying to get the treat and the one on his back with his feet wiggling in the air. I just wanted to snuggle them. Thanks for making my day better. xxoo

pocketsize said...