I think I'm a little behind.
(This happens when you spend large amounts of time on the couch doing nothing.) And because of that instead of a
Saturday Sky, you are getting a
Sunday Sky:

Trust me, it's better than yesterday's would have been anyway!
Thanks to Wendee sending me one of the leftover mini skeins of the Bobbins Nest colorway, I finished the itty-bitty socks:

Aren't those colors great? I think I'm jealous of the itty-bitty socks, I want them to be big enough for me! Considering the amount of time I spend wearing brown with blue jeans I know I'd get a lot of wear out of them and yes, I am aware that I could adapt the pattern to adult feet. But after all yarn buying at Stitches West, I think I need to knit through the stash before I indulge in any more new yarn!
Wendee also figured out why I ran out yarn. So for the
ABC-along folks I offer this
E for Errata:

Does the foot look a little long to you?
(Yeah, me too.) It actually did when I was knitting it. But if you know me outside of the blogiverse you know I don't know nothin' 'bout no babies! I mean, I've been informed by other knitters that babies have freakishly large heads so hey, far as I know they could have bigger feet than I expected. Right? Made sense to me!
I haven't seen any others posted on Ravelry yet so I'm guessing I was probably just the canary in the coal mine since I cast it on the day after receiving it in the goodie bag at the party at Bobbins Nest Studio. It doesn't really matter to me, I'm sure I'll be able to find a home for these itty-bitty socks, and I'm sure I'll use the pattern again in the future.
The most important thing that pattern did for me was to launch me into sock knitting sooner than I expected. I planned to use the Spunky Eclectic Goblin Eyes, because I thought a simple ribbing pattern would be best and the bright colors would keep me entertained. So with high hopes, I wound it into balls, swatched, and cast on:

And I love the colors just as much as I thought I would. Purple, gold, and green - Mardi Gras colors! What's not to love about that? There's also a dark blue, but it seems to blend into the purple. But the color is the only thing I loved. In every other way, I hated it. That yarn is thinner than thin, it's superfine. I was knitting it on size 1 needles, but it was begging me for size 0. Me - trying to knit thread with toothpicks? That's just a one way ticket to crazytown.
Of course it wouldn't just be me going insane. I'd be taking you and everyone else along for the ride. I could just see it - a future where every other blog post consisted of nothing but bitter complaints, slowly descending into madness, enslaved by the beautiful, hateful, sock that never ends. So I frogged it and came up with plan B.
That plan could consist of double-stranding the Goblin Eyes with itself, or even solid yarn, to "bulk it up" to a more reasonable weight and needle size. And that may indeed happen someday. But for now I have a better idea.
When I was knitting on the itty-bitty sock, I was happy. Using size 2 needles and the Hazel Knits artisan sock yarn sample, I was quite content to knit on for much longer than was required by the itty-bitty sock pattern. And from my visit to Bobbins Nest Studio I have also this:

And idn't it purty?